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Get Your Kids Excited for the New School Year: Conversation Starters and Goal-Setting Tips for Parents

Get Your Kids Excited for the New School Year: Conversation Starters and Goal-Setting Tips for Parents

As a new school year approaches, it's essential to help your child transition smoothly and enthusiastically. Engaging in meaningful conversations can spark excitement and foster a positive attitude toward learning. At the Science Mill, we believe in the power of curiosity and goal-setting to inspire young minds. Use these conversation starters and goal-setting questions to guide your child through a successful and enjoyable school year.

Kindergarten - 2nd Grade

  • What are you most excited to learn about in school this year?

  • Who are you looking forward to making friends with or seeing again in your class?

  • What is one fun thing you hope to do during recess?

  • What is something new you want to learn or try this year? How can we practice it at home?

  • What reward would you like to work towards when you achieve your goal?

  • What do you want to be when you grow up?  

  • Let’s talk about how science, technology, engineering and/or math fit into your future dreams!  

  • Can you share a scientist or a type of scientist you have heard of? What do you like about them or their job?   

3rd - 5th Grade

  • What subjects are you most interested in this year and why?

  • Is there a project or activity you’re really looking forward to doing in school?

  • What friendships do you want to strengthen this year?

  • What are three things you want to accomplish this school year?

  • How can we break down these goals into smaller steps you can work on each week?

  • What tools or resources do you think will help you achieve your goals, like a planner or a study guide?

  • Who can you ask for help if you need support in reaching your goals?

  • What do you want to be when you grow up?  

  • Let’s talk about how science, technology, engineering and/or math fit into your future dreams!  

  • Can you share a scientist or a type of scientist you have heard of? What do you like about them or their job?   

Middle School

  • What new subjects or electives are you excited to explore this year?

  • What friendships do you want to strengthen this year?

  • How do you plan to manage your time between schoolwork and extracurricular activities?

  • What strategies will you use to stay organized and keep track of your assignments?

  • What specific academic or personal goals do you want to set for this year?

  • How can we create a timeline with milestones to help you stay on track?

  • What challenges do you anticipate, and how can we plan to overcome them?

  • How will you measure your progress and celebrate your successes along the way?

  • Of the four categories in STEM (science, technology, engineering and math), which one is most interesting to you?  

  • Do you have ideas on the kind of job you might like to have when you grow up?  

  • What can we do today to start getting you ready for that? (Experiments, Science Mill workshops, reading materials, etc.) 

High School

  • What classes or extracurricular activities are you looking forward to this year?

  • How will you balance your school responsibilities with your social life and any part-time jobs or hobbies?

  • What steps will you take to prepare for college or your career, and how can we support you?

  • What are your top goals for this school year, both academically and personally?

  • What steps do you need to take to achieve these goals, and how can we outline a detailed plan?

  • How can you manage your time effectively to ensure you stay on track with your goals?

  • What support or resources do you need, and how can we help you access them?

  • As you think about your next steps, what role does STEM play in them? You might be surprised how many career paths involve science, technology, engineering and/or math!  

  • What kinds of problems would you like to solve – for our community or for the world?  

  • Where do you see your next steps – an internship or shadow day? A trade school? A college? The workforce? What steps can we take now to help you achieve these goals?  

Starting the school year on a positive note can set the tone for months of growth and discovery. By using these conversation starters and goal-setting questions, you can help your child develop a proactive mindset and a love for learning. Remember, your support and encouragement are crucial in helping your child navigate their academic journey. Here’s to a fantastic school year filled with curiosity, achievement, and joy!