Sul Ross State University Mobile STEM Lab

Our customized van is built to travel around West Texas, bringing fun and engaging STEM learning experiences to more remote communities. See below for brief descriptions and Spanish translations of our six mobile activities!

Arduino Watering Station

With water resources stretched thin across the country, it is more important than ever to conserve water however we can. By manipulating the soil moisture sensors, you can save water by targeting crops only when they need water and avoiding over-watering, which can occur after it rains.

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Wind Wattage

Can you determine which is the best type of wind turbine? Using vertical and horizontal electric generators and the various wind blades, test the amount of electricity produced by each. Traditional horizontal turbines are seen everywhere, are immense, expensive to install and may have a negative impact on the environment. Vertical turbines can solve many of these problems as they are smaller and less impactful on their surroundings.

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Cardboard Challenge

What can YOU make with a single cardboard piece? Using the cardboard shapes provided, and models for inspiration, create an object that will fit onto the square at the table. Why cardboard? It is one of the most commonly used materials on Earth, and once a piece of cardboard has been used, it can be recycled up to seven times!

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Cattle are missing! Similar to how ranchers utilize drone technology, your mission is to observe the drone visual feed and help locate the missing cows. Ranchers utilize this technology because it reduces search time and saves money in the process. Today's drones are powerful enough to handle high winds and stay aloft for nearly 30 minutes.

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Drone Cattle Search

What’s the weather like? Determine it in real-time using the tablet to learn what weather is and how to code the weather instrument cluster. Meteorology relies upon the gathering of atmospheric data to make accurate predictions. Basic weather data points include temperature, wind speed, humidity (amount of moisture in the air), dew point (temperature at which water condenses) and barometric pressure (the pressure that air exerts).

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Microbit Weather Station

An invasion is coming! Using iNaturalist, we’ll need your help to identify the invader species and limit damage to the Chihuahuan Desert. It’s time to think like an ecologist and compare methods of insect identification! Ecological awareness is key to saving various species of plants and animals.

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Cacti Catastrophe

What is iNaturalist?

iNaturalist is an free online citizen science database app where anyone, from a first-grade student to a published career biologist, can upload their observations of organisms from around the world and explore those posted by others. A joint initiative from the California Academy of Sciences and National Geographic, since 2008 iNaturalist has attracted over 2.5 million users, who have submitted 125 million observations of 411,000 species - that’s almost 23,000 per day!

Seek by iNaturalist is a separate app designed for kids and families that incorporates features of gamification, such as scavenger hunts, badges, and challenges.

Summer STEM Career Immersion (SCI) Camps

The Science Mill’s offsite STEM Career Immersion Camps (SCI-Camps) take place at different locations across Texas each summer. Each week-long program combines engaging experiences inspired by a variety of STEM careers with the fun and friendship of summer camp. STEM disciplines covered include: Matter/Chemistry, Coding & Robotics, Engineering, Life Sciences/Biology, and STEM Entrepreneurship. Camps are hosted by schools, districts, and community partners that share the Science Mill’s mission to boost students’ confidence and build 21st-century STEM career readiness.


Materials, Curriculum & Content

Training/Professional Development




Classroom Space

2 Teachers

2 Teaching Assistants

Up to 30 students

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