The Intersection of Art and Math: Putting the A & M in STEAM
January is about discovering why art and math make a great pair!
Career Expert: Susan Oliver Heard, GG, GJ, AJA
11am, Noon, 1pm
Join us for one of Susan Oliver Heard’s presentations during this month’s Homeschool Day! Her artistically guided and civic-minded odyssey creates a can’t-miss compelling story of a career built out of a love for both math and the arts.
Susan is the founder and director of Cinnabar Gallery and a Master Jeweler. She is joining us for Homeschool Day this month to artfully connect the dots between math and the humanities. Susan will share her journey from childhood in San Antonio, around the world, and back home again. She’ll tell us how math has been threaded throughout her life’s work in custom jewelry design, art consulting, gallery management, music performance, and civic service.
From her beginnings in downtown San Antonio, Susan’s studies and career path then led her to Bali to study music, London to study art and drama, and Vienna to study art and piano performance, and to some stops in the States, too. She has BAs in Classics, History, and Political Theory, along with three certifications in jewelry design, fabrication, and graduate gemology from the Gemological Institute of America. Susan, an award-winning jewelry designer, managed art galleries and jewelry stores before returning home to San Antonio where she opened her own gallery, Cinnabar, in 2013. Susan also serves on the City of San Antonio’s zoning commission and the Public Art Committee for San Pedro Creek.
Hands-on Activities- Stations run continuously from 11am-2pm
Pi Skyline: Create a cityscape by graphing the numbers in Pi! This colorful project starts with the pythagorean theorem and ends with a beautiful art piece.
Pythagorean Snail: Discover how mathematical relationships show up in nature when triangles turn into snail shells!
Tessellation: Create a colorful repeating pattern using just one shape!
Mobius Strip: Math is beautifully one-sided when it comes to mobius strips! Make your own to take home.
Learning Labs:
$5 for non-members, $4.50 for members, Learning Labs are included for STEM Scholars
Due to the popularity of Learning Labs, reservations are strongly encouraged. Space is limited! Email to reserve your child's spot.
K-2 Pattern Palooza, 10:30, lasts 45 minutes: Play with pattern blocks to learn how different shapes fit together to make patterns. Then use pattern blocks to make your own picture and create a tessellation.
3-5 Shapeshifter City, 11:30am, lasts one hour: Learn how architects use math, shapes, and patterns when designing and building. Try out your new skill with Magformers when you put shapes together to form 2D patterns. Snap your patterns together and watch them transform into a 3D figure!
6-8 Dive In!, 1pm, lasts one hour: Explore what it would be like to work for a bungee jumping company, and learn about the math involved in creating this type of thrill ride. Can you design a bungee that will give Ken & Barbie a thrilling but safe bungee jump experience?