Conversation Starters: Cell Phone Disco

Conversation Starters: Cell Phone Disco

Have you tried our cell phone disco? When you use a cell phone in the vicinity, you can watch the frequency of electromagnetic waves come to life. It’s fun to watch, and even more rewarding to discuss with kids. We’ve put together a few conversations starters to get a scientific discussion going with children.  


  • Have you noticed how we can call far-away friends and family members with our phones? How do you think we are able to connect?  

  • When phones were first invented, you could only make calls on them. Now we can do many things through phone technology. What are some of your favorites?  

Middle School:  

  • Phones have changed a lot over the years. Why do you think that is? What do you think phones might look like in the future?  (Phone technology has become more advanced and efficient, which means phones can do more while taking up less space. 

  • You may have noticed cell phone towers. What role do you think they play in helping us to communicate?  

High School:  

  • How do you think text messages travel from cell phone to cell phone?  

  • Phones use technology to connect people. What positive impacts do you think they have had? In which ways might this connection also be harmful?  

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