Illuminate Round-Up

Illuminate Round-Up

This year’s Illuminate annual benefit was an amazing success. We enjoyed seeing so many of our friends, neighbors and donors gather together and celebrate the Science Mill’s efforts to provide equitable access to STEM resources for students.  

Pumpkin Toothpaste


  • 1 cup of hydrogen peroxide

  • 2 tablespoons active yeast

  • 6 tablespoons warm water

  • Dish soap

  • Food coloring

  • 2 bowls / jars

  • A small cup

  • Craft stick / mixing tool

  • Pumpkin


  1. Carve your pumpkin and set aside. Make sure to keep the lid of the pumpkin close by.

  2. Carefully pour 1 cup of hydrogen peroxide into a bowl or jar, a big squirt of liquid dish soap, and a few drops of food coloring. Swirl to mix and carefully place inside the pumpkin. TIP: You can put another bowl face down inside the pumpkin to help fill the space! Then, carefully place the bowl with the mixture on top.

  3. In a small cup, add 2 tablespoons of the active yeast and 6 tablespoons of warm water. Stir with the craft stick for 30 seconds then leave untouched for 5 minutes.

  4. After 5 minutes, pour the yeast mixture into the bowl with the hydrogen peroxide mixture and quickly place the lid back onto the pumpkin.

Building a Legacy for Future Texan Scientists

Supporting students today is an investment in the scientists of tomorrow. 

Successfully empowering learners requires a complex strategy. That is why our approach is multifaceted: from cultivating a space for informal learning and community building to developing engaging off-site programs, the Science Mill is dedicated to supporting underserved students in as many ways as possible. 

Conversation Starters: Voice Over

Conversation Starters: Voice Over

Have you explored our Voice Over exhibit at the Science Mill? This unique piece combines art and science to explore communication. When you stand in front of one and whisper, your conversational partner can hear you from 300 feet away!  

Voice Over uses parabolic reflectors to focus sound waves into a single point. This focus allows the sound to travel farther and be heard more clearly at the end focal point.  

If you’re intrigued by the science behind this exhibit, your kids probably are too. We have some conversation starters available to guide discussions on the properties of sound and more!  

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