2022-2023 Homeschool Day Admission Fees
Youth $9.50
Adults $11
Seniors $9
Under 2 FREE
Learning Lab $5 (optional)
Youth $8.55
Adults $9.90
Seniors/Military $8.10
Under 2 FREE
Learning Lab $4.50 (optional)
Members always receive 10% off educational programs.
Admission fee includes special hands-on activities related to STEM fields, exposure to STEM careers, 50+ indoor and outdoor museum exhibits, and science-themed movie. Explore our Homeschool Day calendar for dates and topics; details will be added throughout the season. Add admission ticket to the cart first, then you will be able to add Learning Lab(s) in the cart. When you arrive at the Science Mill, check in with purchaser’s last name—no need to print tickets.
Please note: Learning Lab curriculum is written to engage groups of student based on age-appropriate, social-emotional skill sets. Please register your child in the correct grade-level grouping based on their age.
**Please note that photos and videos may be taken during Learning Labs and other Homeschool Day activities. The images will be used solely by the Science Mill for training purposes and in digital and print marketing, including social media, to promote our education programs. Signs will be posted when filming occurs. If you do not wish to have your child photographed, please let the staff at the front desk know.**
Questions about Homeschool Day, contact us at programs@sciencemill.org.