Bonita L. Baskin, Ph.D.
Founder of the Science Mill & Past Chair

Robert P. Elde, Ph.D.
Co-Founder of the Science Mill & Science Director

Lisa Ivie Miller, AIF®
Secretary of the Board
CAPTRUST Principal & Financial Advisor

Nate Albrecht
Founding Member, Albrecht Tax & Accounting Services Minneapolis, MN

Lynnell Burkett
San Antonio Express-News
Retired editorial page editor/columnist

Angela Chapman, Ph.D.
UT Rio Grand Valley
Associate Professor of Science

Eric Corndorf, Ph.D.
Vice President, Research and Development

Beverly Dale, Ph.D
Retired HealthCare Professional, Philanthropist and Community Activist
Los Altos, CA

Dan Egging
ExxonMobil Development Company Sakhalin-1, SSH&E Manager, Retired

Nels. Elde, Ph.D.
Professor of Human Genetics, University of Utah School of Medicine
and HHMI Investigator

Efrén Garcia
Silicon Labs
Senior Counsel

David W. T. King
Workforce Development Manager – INEOS Olefins and Polymers USA (Retired)

Nancy May
San Antonio Humane Society

Kathy Ordonez Roche Molecular Systems, former CEO

Susan Pope
Southwest Research Institute
Executive Director Space Science Division / IMAP Payload Manager

Harold Strong
Texas State University
Executive Director, STAR Park

Peter Vancorenland, Ph.D.
Knowles Corporation
Senior Vice President of R&D